Mortgage Calculators
Mortgage Calculator
Determine your monthly mortgage payments based on your home price, down payment and interest rate.
DTI Calculator
Calculate your debt-to-income ratio based on your income, mortgage payment and expenses.
Affordability Calculator
Enter details about your income, down payment and monthly debts to determine how much to spend on a house.
Buydown Calculator
Understand how different temporary and permanent rate buydowns can affect your monthly mortgage payments.
VA Calculator
Estimate the payments on your VA purchase loan or refinance loan.
Refinance Calculator
See how much you could save on your monthly payments by refinancing your home loan.
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Learn More About Mortgages
Opt Out of Firm Offers of Credit or Insurance
Many buyers find that applying for a mortgage can trigger an influx of marketing from other companies trying to win their business. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent this flood of offers from overwhelming you during an already stressful time.
Conforming Loan Limit Increase for 2023
The Federal Housing Financing Agency has recently announced that the new conforming loan limit for 2023.
Mortgage Numbers That Matter
Whether you are a first-time home buyer or an experienced one, there are three numbers that will help determine the type of mortgage you qualify for. Let’s learn more about the mortgage numbers that matter.
Navigating Your Loan Program Options
Choosing the right loan program depends on a variety of factors like certain loan program features, the loan term and your overall financial goals.
Five Mortgage Security Tips
At MHC Mortgage, we care about the safety of your personal information. What’s important to you is important to us. Here are some practical tips you can take to keep your information safe during the loan process.
How Much Should You Save for a Down Payment?
Down payment requirements vary depending on your lender, your credit, your debt-to-income ratio and other factors. Learn how your down payment can impact your monthly mortgage.